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 CAP Participation Paycheck Example

In this example, the employee saves $400 annually by participating in the plan.

BEFORE participating in the CAP:

Empl. ID Name Period End Date Check No.
098765432 Geraldine M. Estiaga 4/30/2005 04/30/2005 99872
Your Current Paycheck
Semi-monthly Gross Pay $2,500.00
Federal Withholding $214.58
Social Security $155.00
Medicare $36.25
New York $123.38
NY SDI $1.30
City Tax $72.91
Net Pay $1,896.58

AFTER participating in the CAP:

Empl. ID Name Period End Date Check No.
098765432 Geraldine S. Estiaga 4/30/2005 04/30/2005 99872
Semi-Monthly Gross Pay $2,500.00
Your Current Paycheck
Semi-monthly Gross Pay $2,500.00
Federal Withholding $207.08
Social Security $151.90
Medicare $35.53
New York $119.96
NY SDI $1.30
City Tax $70.96
Transportation Deduction $50.00
Transportation Reimbursement ($50.00)
Net Pay $1,913.27